FFTW/Blitz++ interfaceThis is just a basic interface between FFTW and Blitz++. Currently 1D and 2D complex-to-real and real-to-complex transforms are supported, although others would be easy to add. Object creation allocates memory and calls FFTW's planner. The execute() function does what it sounds like and can accept a Blitz++ template expression as input. It is also possible, if performance is important, to access the input and output memory arrays directly. These are blitz::Array objects that share memory with FFTW-allocated arrays. This shared memory implementation is not technically portable since FFTW uses its own complex datatype (equivalent to the C99 complex type) whereas the std::complex type used by Blitz++ is supposed to be implementation defined. The authors of FFTW however claim that the C++ standards committee has recently agreed to mandate that the storage format used for this type be binary-compatible with the C99 type .
To retrieve the source code from GIT:
git clone https://github.com/dstahlke/fftw-blitz.git Synopsis#include <iostream>
#include "fftw_blitz.h"
void test_1d() {
int size = 10;
blitz::Array<double, 1> in(size);
FFTW_R2C_1D fwd(size);
FFTW_C2R_1D inv(size);
blitz::firstIndex i;
in = 10.0
+ 20.0*sin(i / double(size) * 2.0 * M_PI * 3.0)
+ 30.0*cos(i / double(size) * 2.0 * M_PI * 4.0);
blitz::Array<std::complex<double>, 1> out(fwd.output().shape());
out = fwd.execute(in) / double(size);
out = where(real(out*conj(out)) > 1e-9, out, 0);
std::cout << out << std::endl;
blitz::Array<double, 1> err(size);
err = in*size - inv.execute(fwd.execute(in));
std::cout << "err=" << max(fabs(err)) << std::endl;
void test_2d() {
int size_y=10, size_x=8;
blitz::Array<double, 2> in(size_y, size_x);
FFTW_R2C_2D fwd(size_y, size_x);
FFTW_C2R_2D inv(size_y, size_x);
blitz::firstIndex i;
blitz::secondIndex j;
in = 10.0
+ 20.0*sin(i / double(size_y) * 2.0 * M_PI * 3.0)
+ 30.0*cos(i / double(size_y) * 2.0 * M_PI * 2.0)
*sin(j / double(size_x) * 2.0 * M_PI * 3.0);
blitz::Array<std::complex<double>, 2> out(fwd.output().shape());
out = fwd.execute(in) / double(size_y*size_x);
out = where(real(out*conj(out)) > 1e-9, out, 0);
std::cout << out << std::endl;
blitz::Array<double, 2> err(in.shape());
err = in*size_y*size_x - inv.execute(fwd.execute(in));
std::cout << "err=" << max(fabs(err)) << std::endl;
int main() {